1:1 Mentoring

For the woman who has experienced sexual trauma and is ready to take another step in healing, this program may be for you. We provide 1:1 mentoring for women ages 18 and up who have experienced past sexual trauma and who are ready to take the next step in healing.


How does the program work?

Our volunteer mentors provide a safe and confidential place for you to process your story, while guiding you in Biblical truths and practical wisdom for your journey of faith and healing. Each woman who serves are our mentor team are survivors themselves who have been through the Journey to Heal women’s study and have trained to mentor others through the same. Once you register you will be contacted within a few days by email to set up a time connect and begin journey together through the 7 essential steps of recovery covered in the Journey to Heal women’s study!

What are the costs involved?

Our programs are free of charge! However, you will need to purchase your own copy of Journey to Heal: Seven Essential Steps of Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. , a personal journal and have a copy of the Bible to participate in the program.


If you feel this may be the next right step for you, take a moment to complete the assessment form below. We’ll reach back to you via the contact information you provide and get you connected with one of our volunteer mentos near you!